Traffic and PublicTransport Working Group

The Traffic and Public Transport (TaPT) Working Group has been formed and has already been quite active – with our focus initially on the proposed A9 Shinafoot junction.

Congestion and road safety, particularly in central Auchterarder was a key issue in the feedback from the CAP consultation work.  Also, safety concerns about accessing the A9 was another prominent issue.  With Planning Applications for a new A9 Shinafoot junction already submitted to Perth & Kinross Council, it was important to highlight the concerns being expressed by our communities.  This work was given added impetus by the direct involvement of Jim Fairlie MSP, who kindly arranged for Jenny Gilruth MSP, the Scottish Government’s Minister for Transport, to visit Auchterarder.  

The TaPT Working Group prepared a detailed paper on the proposed A9 Shinafoot Junction – providing commentary on the background to the application and highlighting a number of potential issues with the Shinafoot proposals.  We were exceedingly grateful to be able to present the paper to Jenny Gilruth MSP and Jim Fairlie MSP – and engage with them on what is clearly a vitally important issue for the Auchterarder/Aberuthven community.  The meeting was also attended by representatives from Auchterarder & District Community Council,  Transport Scotland and Perth & Kinross Council.  

As part of this engagement, it was highlighted that there appeared to be a significant contradiction between the findings of the traffic generation surveys and assessments associated with the planning applications and the personal experience of those people that are part of the Auchterarder and Aberuthven communities.  Increased road safety risks in central Auchterarder and on the B8062 could occur if the current proposals for the A9 Shinafoot junction are progressed.  There was also a lack of clarity on the future management plans for the A9 junctions between Loaninghead and Aberuthven.

These discussions subsequently informed the formal response submitted by Auchterarder & District Community Council to Perth & Kinross Council in respect of the A9 Shinafoot Junction planning applications; with their submission jointly prepared in conjunction with TaPT. 

If you want to receive copies of  the paper or response to the planning applications,  please send an e-mail to

In terms of the other Priorities in the CAP under the Roads, Traffic and Transport theme, we have engaged in the recent review of the Town Bus Service, with the new improved timetable now operational.  Additionally, initial discussions have taken place with Strathallan Community Rail Partnership about the new Glasgow – Dundee timetable, including opportunities for bus rail co-ordination and the need to address fares anomalies at Gleneagles Station.  

If you have an interest in helping us address traffic management initiatives or public transport improvements in Auchterarder or Aberuthven, why not join us?  All we are looking for is people with enthusiasm and a positive outlook who want to make a difference.