We're going to have a monthly round up of whats happening plus volunteering opportunities - You'll be able to find this in other areas of the website but for ease, you'll find it all in one place, here at the start of each month.
if you'd like to contribute to this or find out more, please do get in touch! aanda.cap@gmail.com
Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteering is good for the soul! It’s like a free dose of happiness. Not only are you helping others, but you're also boosting your own mood and overall well-being. It's a win-win situation!
Care Home Visiting:
Could you spare a little time to pop in and visit someone who doesn’t have friends or family close by?
Contact Lynne Cunningham for more information: Email:LCunningham@pkc.gov.uk
Mobile – 07789791264
Green Spaces Group: If you love the green space in and around our community and wish to be involved in enhancing it, you’re welcome at the Green Space Meetings, to share your ideas, listen to discussions and get involved. Next Meeting 15th October 7pm Pavilion. Tim@acsr.org.uk
Core Paths Group: Enjoy the outdoors and help maintain our brilliant network of paths. Volunteer a few hours on the first Wednesday of each month or the third Sunday to assist with tasks like maintenance and upkeep. Tasks for all abilities and tools provided along with tasty cake and a cuppa at the end. 10am at the Pavilion at the Town Park.
Drop in on the day or contact Tim@acsr.org.uk
Community Garden: The Parish Church have a wonderful community garden, with communal growing areas and individual beds. Would you like to grow your own veg’ but don’t have a garden? Are you new to gardening and would like some help to learn? Could you grow vegetables, or flowers to share with the community? Looking for a new hobby that’s good for your physical and mental wellbeing?
communitygarden@auchterarderparish.org for more info.
Bloom: You’ve no doubt spotted the fantastic displays of colour in the high street? They’re there thanks to the Bloom Group. They rely on having a group of people whom they can call on at various points in the year – potting on, weekly watering of the young plants, clearing out and planting into the main planters. It’s a pleasurable thing to be involved with, not at all onerous. Contact aanda.cap@gmail.com for more info
Poppy Appeal:
Could you help out with this year’s house to house collections? Last year, £6K was raised however they’re needing support with collections in the following areas:
Muir Estate, Benton Road Estate, North Crofts, Kincardine Road/Sydney Crescent, Parkside, Glenorchil Crescent/Place/Terrace and Orchil Road/Grampian & Easthill.
If you can give up a couple of evenings in October to support Armed Forces veterans in need, please contact David Homewood, Area Organiser on 01764 663049.
Parent Council:
The Parent Council for the Community School of Auchterarder are keen to hear from parents / carers who'd like to be involved with supporting the Parent Council to support the School - could you help? More info available by contacting tcsoapc@gmail.com
Friends of Aytoun Hall Committee Members:
Committee members meet bi-monthly, planning events and fundraising to support running of the hall. Involvement doesn't require a lot of time, just your enthusiasm and wisdom - having the input of peoples thoughts and ideas is valued. If you'd like to find out more contact aanda.cap@gmail.com and we'll put you in touch with the group.
Picturehouse Crew:
The Auchterarder Picturehouse CREW (AP CREW) is a dynamic volunteering organisation with an aim to improve people’s lives through creative and performing arts. The AP CREW aim to help anyone express their individuality and their creative talents through coaching, mentoring and by facilitating associated activities. The AP CREW aim to showcase the creative outputs from its members through Events, Exhibitions, Festivals and Variety Shows.
Contact: info@auchterarderpicturehouse.co.uk
By volunteering, you'll not only make a valuable contribution to your community but also gain the opportunity to meet new people, develop new skills, and experience the satisfaction of giving back.
For more info and opportunities, please see the volunteering hub on the community http://aandaconnected.co.uk/volunteering-hub/