Auchterarder Horticultural Association Annual Show

Last weekend saw local growers and craftspeople proudly displaying their veg, flowers, plants, crafting, home baking and much more! It was our first time attending the show and we were amazed at the diversity of the exhibits and the talent and care involved. There’s everything you’d expect – impressive veg, a colourful display of flowers and their displays and so much more – pot plant displays, beautiful creations from the younger people in the community (theres kids sections for all ages) and some very tasty looking produce. The association has been around for 154 years – similar in time to the Aytoun Hall, intriguing to think about what Auchterarder was like when both formed all those years ago…

Like many organisations, they’re really happy to be back to being able to have their regular show this year and are looking to build on things next year – Its a fun event to take part in – have a think about what you might be able to enter next year and get growing / planting / crafting or baking – something for everyone and you might just win a trophy!

A few pictures from the day – guest speaker John Boyd from Auchterarder in Bloom.