We'd be delighted for you to join us!
As a voting member, you'll have a real voice in our direction. Your input matters at AGMs, public meetings, and through membership consultations. The Community Action Plan reflects the voice of the Community and we want this to echo in our membership too. As a communiuty based charity, having members is vital for us to operate properly and follow the rules set out in our constitution. This ensures transparency and accountability in how we operate.
We have two membership options: Individual (for the general membership of individuals, aged 16+) or Group Membership, where community groups are looking to join, with a named individual representing the voice of the group. There is no cost for becoming a member.
Why become a member?
Community Impact: Become part of a like-minded group striving to improve the local community.
Hands-on Involvement: Help the local community through volunteering opportunities.
Networking: Benefit from networking opportunities with other members..
Influence: Provide input to the development planning.
Communication: Receive, and have the opportunity to contribute to, a regular newsletter.
Voice: Vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Your membership is crucial for us to operate effectively and meet the requirements of our constitution. We're very grateful for your involvement. Whether you choose to actively participate or simply stay informed, we value your membership and will keep you updated on our projects
Trustees: We're always keen to hear from people who would like to be more involved as a Trustee. If you'd like to have a chat with one of the existing Trustees to find out more about whats involved, get in touch via aanda.cap@gmail.com