A Healthy and Connected Community

This is a very active community, with many groups and organisations and an excellent community school with great facilities. However, it is also a rapidly growing community and concerns were voiced through the Community Views Surveys, and by stakeholders, that there are insufficient facilities readily available for sport, youth and community recreation for the new population.

Making best use of existing facilities is a priority, whilst also planning for any future needs for sport and recreational facilities. There was a strong feeling in the survey that a local swimming pool should still be on the agenda, despite previous efforts being unsuccessful.

In our growing community, a central point of information would be useful to promote all that is going on while having more community events will support a healthier, better connected and a more cohesive community.



Sport and Recreation Facilities

  • Re-open the Sports Hub within the Community School of Auchterarder
  • Public (Primrose) Park Upgrade – upgrade play facilities and add a Pump Track and Mountain Bike area
  • Upgrade and promote use of the existing facilities i.e. Multi use games area courts at TCSoA
  • Confirmation of the development of the area set aside behind TCSoA as a dedicated sports and recreation area.
  • Maintain the long term vision of a swimming pool.
  • Sports groups to work together to share plans and secure funds.

Youth Facilities and Activities

  • Promote existing youth facilities and activities

  • Look at setting up a ‘safe space’ for young people

  • Formalise Volunteering Awards

  • Strengthen partnerships between the school and the community

Community Events

  • Involve other organisations and businesses in the local running festival, to make it a larger community event

  • Bring together a group to organise a gala style event

  • Develop and promote other community events, including using the TCSoA campus

Community Facilities

  • Increase use of the Aytoun Hall and offer more community access

  • Improve Aberuthven Village Hall – facilities and storage

  • Investigate upgrading TCSoA to a ‘Community Campus’

  • Initiate feasibility study for the community purchase of Stewart Milne Building for Group Hub, Mens’ Shed, Small Business Office Space, Youth Centre etc

  • Promote community facilities & spaces through new community website

Progress and Plans

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Priority 1: Extend and connect network of walking and cycling routes

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Priority 3: Develop Sustainable Community Initiatives

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Priority 4: Promote Active Travel