Role 1: Treasurer Required:
We are looking for an organised person to support us in the role of Treasurer.
Our departing treasurer leaves the books in superb order so if anyone has a bit of experience in this area – or even someone who’s simply organised and likes a spreadsheet – we’d love to hear from you. Time commitment is around 30-90 mins per month plus meeting time.
Without someone in the role of Treasurer, we can’t make contributions to the school with the funds we’ve raised.
Parent Council funds have:
- Paid for half of the license for Seesaw over the past couple of years – imagine if we didn’t have it!
- Enabled an easy purchasing system for low cost consumables which enhance the learning experience in primary (these are frequently funded from the teachers own pockets)
- Supported P7 in providing start-up funds to enable enterprise fundraising initiatives for a P7 leavers legacy.
- Contributed to Show My Homework
- Topped up a legacy fund which will mean a new modern screen can be purchased for the Assembly Hall
- Funded Duke of Edinburgh scheme participation
- Facilitated a new “True Grit” award
We have funds in the Parent Council account and would like to continue making contributions to enhance what’s available to young people in the school. If you’re interested in the role and would like to find out more, please get in touch!
Role 2: Parent Council Committee Members:
Parent Council exists as a forum for discussions between the Parents and the School and as a body who can raise funds and contribute to the school.
How can you contribute?
- By coming along to the online meetings (either on an ad hoc basis or joining as a Parent Member) or sharing your thoughts and feedback to our email: or our Facebook page. They're once a month and last around 1.5h.
- Being a member means you can vote on matters requiring a decision from Parent Council.
Why be a part of Parent Council?
- Some people participate because they like to hear the monthly updates from the Head Teacher / Senior Leadership Team / Primary and Secondary House Captains – it provides a great insight into what’s happening right across our school community.
- Some people come along because they like the opportunity to shape new policy’s and initiatives – the School value our input and we’ve contributed to discussions on the Anti Bullying policy, Unform, Pupil Care and Wellbeing Officer.
- Some like to be involved in the fundraising – prior to Covid, we organised the Halloween Disco, Sports Day bake sales, been involved in the Christmas Enterprise fairs etc and whilst we can think about these again we do need extra people to contribute a little of their time to make these events possible. (You can be part of the fundraising group without being involved in anything else)
- Most just like to feel involved in a partnership with the school – ensuring they’re feeling a part of their child’s school journey from early years to senior years.
Its really rewarding to be a part of this and we’d encourage everyone to come along and attend – its not a big commitment, you don’t have to come to every meeting and all contributions are valued.
If you’d like to attend, email noting your child’s name and year group and we’ll send out a Teams invite.