St Kessogs Church
Title: St Kessog’s Scottish Episcopal Church
Description: We are a small, friendly bunch of people who worship God in the Anglican tradition within the Scottish Episcopal Church, and offer Holy Communion each week, usually at 11am on a Sunday or 10am on a Wednesday. We have a lovely garden, in which to sit, and we organize various events during the year. We are called to serve in the community of Auchterarder, and we are linked with St James Episcopal church, Muthill. We can be found up St Kessog’s Place on the north side of the High Street. Do contact Duncan Strathie (Rector) if you are new to Auchterarder or would like to know more.
Category: Church/Place of Worship
Location: ///competing.tasty.assets
Phone: 01764 662525
Email: rector.auchterarder@gmail.com
Website https://stkessogs.org
Contact: Duncan Strathie