Gleneagles Station
Friday Focus – Strathallan Community Rail Partnership
For those who commute….How would it feel to be able to hop on a bus close to home, linked to the times of the trains going to Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh? No commuting through busy traffic – instead perhaps catching up on emails or reading?
SCRP are working to achieve this for us from Gleneagles Station 🤩
They’re looking at how bus and train times link, whether the train times work for those who use them and fair fares.
Many of these topics were raised in the CAP consultation and we will be reaching our shortly to find out more from you – what do you like about the current service? What do you not like? What would encourage you to use it more?
To achieve net zero targets, train travel is one that SG are targeting to improve – be involved in letting them know what would work locally for you.
The group are also keen to bring the station back to a useable space – to make it a place within our community. During the Ryder Cup revamp, the station received a beautiful upgrade but the internal rooms still need work – there are various grants available and the ongoing rent payable to Scotrail is minimal – what could this be used for? Other communities have used these spaces as Art Galleries, Music Venues, Workshops, meeting spaces…..if shared office space with hot desking was available, would you use this?
Get thinking and please do contribute your thoughts via email ( or via the questionnaire when published. 🚈